• Let Us Join Your Village

    PenguinSmart can be integrated into multiple support systems to help unlock the change you desire

  • As our service is completely online and focuses on supporting parents, we can integrate into existing support systems, help providers and schools to expand their impact and empower families to accelerate change

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    Go through the Self Determination Program (CA)

    Qualifying families in California can apply for up to $1500 annually through the Self-Determination Program to receive top-quality parent training and home intervention support. Speak to a local IF to learn more.

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    Reimburse Services through Health Insurance

    Reimburse PenguinSmart's home intervention & teletherapy services using your HSA/FSA and health insurance.

    speech therapy for toddlers lesson

    Include Us in Your Child's IEP

    We have worked with school districts to make sure PenguinSmart can be included into preschool student IEP plans. Talk to us to find out more

  • Self Determination Program (CA)

    What is the Self-Determination Program?
    The Self-Determination Program allows eligible participants to develop and implement person-centered plans based on an individualized budget that the participants control, within program guidelines. The program is now available to all eligible consumers.

    Contact your local IFs to see if you would benefit from including PenguinSmart Parent Training in your SDP portfolio.

    Dr Tatiana Cura, Ed.D

    Founder/owner of #DocT Self-Determination Programs and SKILLS Developmental Services in Sherman Oaks, CA. Tatiana began her career working with at-risk youth and adults in LA's most underprivileged areas, and now has 13+ years' experience working with youth and adults with developmental disabilities/disorders. Determined to find a therapeutic approach to teaching and addressing/mental behavioral issues, Tatiana continued her career in Applied Behavioral Analysis as a clinical case supervisor, and then founded her own private practice in SDP and SKILLS to provide everyday life skills training (including adaptive skills, supported living skills, independent living skills, social skills, and self-determination programs) to those with special needs. Learn More

    Christina Rockwell

    I have been serving as an Independent Facilitator for the Self Determination Pilot Project and the current program for over 13 years and successfully transitioned the first client in California to the new Self Determination Program in September 2019. Since then, I have transitioned several clients, continued as their facilitator, and assisted many others as they navigate the process. I have participated in planning and transition meetings for Kern Regional Center Facilitators, Service Coordinators, and Program Managers, and consulted with several other Regional Center workers as we expand this opportunity to many more Regional Center clients. Learn More

    For Parents: Search Other IFs in your region


    For IFs: Schedule a Demo to learn about our program to include in your toolkit